Monday, April 27, 2015

Travelling Voyage: Adventure Awaits

Let me  catch you up on what's happening:

Flash back to April 2014

The journey begins!
It's all too real now as we sell off our personal belongings and continue the search for the perfect catamaran- to live on! Excitement and fear have become a commonplace battle in my mind. My heart knows the time has come, as it desires freedom, simplicity and adventure. Passion for writing drives me towards this goal; for hubby it has been a lifelong dream. Maybe the hardships I endured earlier in life cause me to cherish the little things, and for that I am grateful. We are embarking on a brave but crazy voyage.

Early May 2014

While searching for our future home, a sailboat, we continue to go through our stuff- lots of stuff! You just don't realize how useless it all really is, until you change your mindset. I never was a nick nack person and I despise clutter but it seemed unimaginable to me to have to let go of most of our things. Then the idea struck me as perfect. My mindset changed and the adventure of living on a boat seemed much more exciting than holding onto stuff. So these days we're organizing, packing, and downsizing. The simple life is calling!

May 2014

My house looks empty. I like it. Glancing around I realize there's not much I miss. If there's anything I should feel at this moment it's calm- instead anxiety lurks nearby. So close, yet so far away. Our goal is within our grasp and we're reaching towards this dream. I am learning as I reach, in turn I must also let go. Letting go of not only material possessions but letting go of fears that can only hold me back from the person I'm meant to be. Amidst the excitement, the chaos, the unknown; that feeling of calm is just around the corner- so we press on.


  1. I bet you're excited at what's to come. Yes, I'm sure a little nervous, too, but imagine the writing that's going to blossom from this journey! :)
