Friday, November 4, 2016

Paws of Remembrance

 11/3/13 RIP Chopper 

Strangely just a few days ago, before even remembering the significance of the date, on 11/2/16 I had a vivid dream. It was about an evil witch and a dark dusty road. Chopper was there guiding me safely to where I needed to be, as the witch kept trying to force me onto another path into darkness. Once I was safe I turned around and he was gone. It felt so real. I know, kind of Wizard of Oz like. Weird.
Last night was another active, vivid dream night. I was getting along with someone from my past. We were on a wooden river raft for a bit with new friends and I had photos I was saving but some were lost in a construction site along the river bank. As we stopped along the bank we visited other people from my past. A beetle looking bug appeared and I squished it. After that this person's real persona was exposed, so we went our separate ways. Eerily another bug was seen, but it scurried quickly away to hide before it too met its demise.

I've always had dreams that have a meaning, a message, or a warning.. either for myself or someone else. I've encountered angels and spirits, both while asleep and awake. I've also experienced seeing my body lying there as a force trys to pull me away. I should share more of my dreams in writings,  as I feel at times it can offer answers we may need. I do believe I have a God given gift. As a child fear overtook what now as an adult I am trying to understand.

My novel Apricity will tell of these things. It will tell my story, my daughter's story. Intuition. Life. Love.  Sadness. Empaths. Dysfunction. Truths. Dreams. Happiness. Knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. April, this sounds like a wonderful book, and one I can relate to as well. I also had very vivid, and oftentimes frightening dreams as a child. I still have a few, but they're not quite the same as back then. When will this book be available to purchase?
